Sylvie Pighini

PhD 19.12 2019

jointly supervised with Franco Miglietta

Current Project

Methane emissions from lakes


Achievements @Biomet


Pighini S., Ventura M., Miglietta F., Wohlfahrt G. (2018) Dissolved greenhouse gas concentrations in 40 lakes in the Alpine area. Aquatic Sciences 80, 32, doi: 10.1007/s00027-018-0583-2. [OPEN ACCESS]


Posters, Presentations

Pighini S., Tomelleri E., Tonon G., Scholz K., Sommaruga R., Wohlfahrt G. (2019) Assessment of dissolved methane concentrations in lakes of the Alpine area. EGU2019-15733, European Geophysical Union General Assembly 7-12 April 2019, Wien, Austria. (pdf)
Scholz K., Gioli B., Miglietta F., Pighini S., Sommaruga R., Tomelleri E., Tonon G., Zaldei A., Wohlfahrt G. (2019) Greenhouse gas emissions of various lakes in the alpine region. EGU2019-2716, European Geophysical Union General Assembly 7-12 April 2019, Wien, Austria. 

Pighini S., Wohlfahrt G., Miglietta F. (2015) Dissolved greenhouse gas concentrations as proxies for emissions: First results from a survey of 43 Alpine lakes. Oral presentation, EGU2015-11824, European Geophysical Union 2015 General Assembly, 12-17 April 2015, Vienna, Austria.

Pighini S., Wohlfahrt G., Miglietta F. (2014) Greenhouse gas emissions from Alpine lakes. Poster at MountFor PhD day, Bolzano, Italy, 4th November 2014.



Fondazione Edmund Mach
Research and Innovation Center