Author Archive

New collaborative project funded by Research Südtirol/Alto Adige

IMG_1537Today Albin and Georg attended the presentation of the successful projects of the 2019 Research Südtirol/Alto Adige call in Bozen/Bolzano ( Proud and grateful to be amongst the 20 funded projects and looking forward to collaborate with UniBz (Massimo Tagliavini et al.) and Laimburg (Barbara Raifer and Florian Haas) in this project!

New paper

Spielmann F.M., Hammerle A., Kitz F., Gerdel K., Wohlfahrt G. (2020) Seasonal dynamics of the COS and CO2 exchange of a managed temperate grassland. Biogeosciences 17, 4281-4295, doi: 10.5194/bg-17-4281-2020

PhD defense


Last Friday, Felix Spielmann has successfully defended his PhD thesis on the ecosystem-atmosphere exchange of COS – congratulations!

Mesocosm fluorescence experiment started

After intensive preparations this week, today we started, within the frame of a joint FWF-DFG project with Mirco Migliavacca, a mesocosm experiment in which we aim to study the interactive effects of drought and canopy structure on the top-of-canopy sun-induced fluorescence. To this end, Javier Pacheco-Labrador joined with a FLOX-TOGO instrument for SIF measurements across the replicated plots on a planophile (clover) and erectophile (grass) canopy. These episodic measurements will be accompanied by a suite of additional measurements including active chlorophyll fluorescence, environmental conditions, leaf area, leaf angle distribution, leaf ingredients, etc. FormerMSCA fellow in our group, Karolina Sakowska, also joined for the day to help out, exchange data and discuss ongoing works!





New discussion paper

Peron A., Kaser L., Fitzky A.C., Graus M., Halbwirth H., Greiner J., Wohlfahrt G., Rewald B., Sanden H., Karl T., (2020) Combined effects of ozone and drought stress on the emission of biogenic volatile organic compounds from Quercus robur L. Biogeosciences Discussions, doi: 10.5194/bg-2020-260.

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