Author Archive

Update new papers

A few papers have been (conditionally) accepted:

Imran H.A., Gianelle D., Rocchini D., Dalponte M., Martin M.P., Sakowska K., Wohlfahrt G., Vescovo L. (2020) VIS-NIR, Red Edge and NIR-Shoulder based Normalized Vegetation Indices response to co-varying grassland leaf and canopy structural traits. Remote Sensing, accepted.

Spielmann F.M., Hammerle A., Kitz F., Gerdel K., Wohlfahrt G. (2020) Seasonal dynamics of the COS and CO2 exchange of a managed temperate grassland. Biogeosciences Discussions, conditionally accepted.

Nelson J., Perez-Priego O., Zhou S., Poyatos R., Zhang Y., Blanken P., Gimeno T., Wohlfahrt G., Desai A., Gioli B., Limousin J.-M., Bonal D., Paul-Limoges E., Scott R., Varlagin A., Fuchs K., Montagnani L., Wolf S., Delpierre N., Berveiller D., Gharun M., Marchesini L., Gianelle D., Šigut L., Mammarella I., Siebicke L., Black T., Knohl A., Hörtnagl L., Magliulo V., Carvalhais N., Migliavacca M., Reichstein M., Jung M. (2020) Ecosystem transpiration and evaporation: insights from three water flux partitioning methods across FLUXNET sites. Global Change Biology, accepted.

Pastorello G., …, Hammerle A., …, Wohlfahrt G., … et al. (2020) The FLUXNET2015 dataset and the ONEFlux processing pipeline for eddy covariance data. Scientific Data, 7, 225, doi: 10.1038/s41597-020-0534-3.

PostDoc position available

We are looking for a PostDoc to work on a project combining active and passive chlorophyll fluorescence and VIS/NIR reflectance measurements with process-based simulation modeling in order to study early stress detection in terrestrial ecosystems – see here for more details. 

New discussion paper

Zhang Y., Bastos A., Maignan F., Goll D., Boucher O., Li L., Cescatti A., Vuichard N., Chen X., Ammann C., Arain M.A., Black T., Chojnicki B., Kato T., Mammarella I., Montagnani L., Roupsard O., Sanz M.J., Siebicke L., Urbaniak M., Vaccari F., Wohlfahrt G., Woodgate W., Ciais P. (2020) Modeling the impacts of diffuse light fraction on photosynthesis in ORCHIDEE (v5453) land surface model. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, doi: 10.5194/gmd-2020-96.

MSc defensio

Today Lena Drexler has successfully defended her MSc thesis entitled “Resilienz eines Kiefernbestandes am Mieminger Plateau (Tirol) gegenüber Trockenstress” supervised by Walter Oberhuber and Georg – congratulations!

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