Author Archive

Marie Skłodowska-Curie project funded

Just received notice that the MSCA project “COSIF – Carbonyl sulfide and sun-induced fluorescence as joint constraints on terrestrial carbon cycling” submitted by Karolina will be funded and will allow her to explore COS-SIF links during the next two years – congratulations!

Goodbye and Hello

Yesterday Mastaneh successfully defended her dissertation – congratulations and all the best for her future career!

The Biomet group welcomes a new MSc student – Daniel will be working with the eddy flux data from our two sites in Vinschgau/Val Venosta comparing energy and CO2 exchange at a rain-fed and irrigated grassland in a dry inner-alpine Valley.

Baby news

Today Felix became a father of a daughter – congratulations!


Today another Biomet student graduated – Tamara successfully defended her thesis on soil COS exchange at Neustift – congratulations!

New paper

The paper lead by Florian on “In situ soil COS exchange of a temperate mountain grassland under simulated drought” was conditionally accepted in Oecologia – congratulations!

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