Author Archive

New papers

Yao, Y., Liang S., Li X., Liu S., Chen J., Zhang X., Jia K., Jiang B., Xie X., Munier S., Liu M., Yu J., Lindroth A., Varlagin A., Raschi A., Noormets A., Pio C., Wohlfahrt G., Sun G., Domec J.-C., Montagnani L., Lund M., Moors E., Blanken P.D., Grünwald T., Wolf S., Magliulo V. (2016) Assessment and simulation of global terrestrial latent heat flux by synthesis of CMIP5 climate models and surface eddy covariance observations. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 223, 151-167, doi: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2016.03.016.

Zhou Y., Wu X., Ju W., Chen J., Wang S., Wang H., Yuan W., Black A., Jassal R., Ibrom A., Han S., Yan J., Margolis H., Roupsard O., Li Y., Zhao F., Kiely G., Starr G., Pavelka M., Montagnani L., Wohlfahrt G., D’Odorico P., Cook D., Arain A., Bonal D., Beringer J., Blanken P., Loubet B., Leclerc M., Matteucci G., Nagy Z., Olejnik J., Paw U K. T., Varlagin A. (2016) Global parameterization and validation of a two-leaf light use efficiency model for predicting gross primary production across FLUXNET sites. Journal of Geophysical Research Biogeosciences 121, 1045-1072, doi: 10.1002/2014JG002876.

PhD scholarship to Florian

We just received notice that Florian will be awarded a university-internal PhD scholarship for the next 12 months – congratulations!

Las Majadas #4

Below some impressions of the first round of soil flux measurements.

IMG_1348 IMG_1341 IMG_1335

Las Majadas #3

Additional impressions from the setup of the COS eddy flux and soil chamber measurements at Las Majadas.

IMG_1311 IMG_1309 IMG_1296 IMG_1279

Las Majadas #2

The setup of the COS soil and eddy flux measurements is proceeding …

IMG_1176 IMG_1207 IMG_1216 IMG_1240 IMG_1253

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