Author Archive

New papers

Jiang B., Zhang Y., Liang S., Wohlfahrt G., Arain A., Cescatti A., Georgiadis T., Jia K., Kiely G., Lund M., Montagnani L., Magliulo V., Serrano Ortiz P., Oechel W., Vaccari F., Yao Y., Zhang X. (2015) Empirical estimation of daytime net radiation from shortwave radiation and ancillary information. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 211-212, 23-36, doi: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2015.05.003.

Balzarolo M., Vescovo L., Hammerle A., Gianelle D., Papale D., Tomelleri E., Wohlfahrt G. (2015) On the relationship between ecosystem-scale hyperspectral reflectance and CO2 exchange in European mountain grasslands. Biogeosciences 12, 3089-3108, doi: 10.5194/bg-12-3089-2015.

Wohlfahrt G., Gu L. (2015) Opinion: The many meanings of gross photosynthesis and their implication for photosynthesis research from leaf to globe. Plant, Cell and Environment, in press, doi: 10.1111/pce.12569.

Wingate L., Ogée J., Cremonese E., Filippa G., Mizunuma T., Migliavacca M., Moisy C., Wilkinson M., Moureaux C., Wohlfahrt G., Hammerle A., Hörtnagl L., Gimeno C., Porcar-Castell A., Galvagno M., Nakaji T., Morison J., Kolle O., Knohl A., Kutsch W., Kolari P., Nikinmaa E., Ibrom A., Gielen B., Eugster W., Balzarolo M., Papale D., Klumpp K., Köstner B., Grünwald T., Joffre R., Ourcival J.-M., Hellstrom M., Lindroth A., Charles G., Longdoz B., Genty B., Levula J., Heinesch B., Sprintsin M., Yakir D., Manise T., Guyon D., Ahrends H., Plaza-Aguilar A., Guan J. H., Grace J. (2015) Interpreting canopy development and physiology using the EUROPhen camera network at flux sites. Biogeosciences Discussions 12, 797-8034, doi: 10.5194/bgd-12-7979-2015.

New papers

The last few days five papers have been accepted for publication, including the first PhD papers by Mastaneh and Alberto – congratulations!

Balzarolo M., Vescovo L., Hammerle A., Gianelle D., Papale D., Tomelleri E., Wohlfahrt G. (2015) On the relationship between ecosystem-scale hyperspectral reflectance and CO2 exchange in European mountain grasslands. Biogeosciences, in press.

Algarra Alarcon A., Lazazzara V., Cappellin L., Bianchedi P.L., Schuhmacher R., Wohlfahrt G., Pertot I., Biasioli F., Perazzollia M. (2015) Emission of volatile sesquiterpenes and monoterpenes in grapevine genotypes upon Plasmopara viticola inoculation in vitro. Journal of Mass Spectrometry, in press.

Pasolli L., Asam S., Castelli M., Bruzzone L., Wohlfahrt G., Zebisch M., Notarnicol C. (2015) Retrieval of leaf area index in mountain grasslands in the Alps from MODIS satellite imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment 165, 159-174, doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2015.04.027.

Ahrar M., Doneva D., Koleva D., Romano A., Rodeghiero M., Tsonev T., Biasoli F., Stefanova M., Peeva V., Wohlfahrt G., Loreto F., Varotto C., Velikova V. (2015) Isoprene emission in the monocot Arundineae tribe in relation to functional and structural organization of the photosynthetic apparatus. Environmental and Experimental Botany, in press.

Berninger F., Susiluoto S., Gianelle D., Bahn M., Wohlfahrt G., Sutton M., Garcia-Pausas J., Gimeno C., Sanz M. J., Dore S., Rogiers N., Furger M., Eugester W., Balzarolo M., Sebastià M. T., Tenhunen J., Staszewski T., Cernusca A. (2015) Management and site effects on carbon balances of European mountain meadows and rangelands. Boreal Environmental Research, in press.


Biomet@EGUPicture of Biomet group members, affiliates and friends (from left to right: Federico, Felix, Albin, Kathi, Sylvie, Georg, Peng, Marta and Florian).


Study site with a view

IMG_0552Today Noemiè, Sandra and Georg went to the two study sites (irrigated meadow and pasture) in Vinschgau to do a first round of spectroradiometer measurements with associated canopy structure, pigment content and so forth.

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