Author Archive


This year, again, the Biomet group will contribute multiple orals/posters to the EGU meeting!

In addition, we are co-organising a splinter meeting on Carbonyl sulfide on Thursday 16th April 2015 17:30-20:00 in room R9 (SPM2.17;


EGU2015-11824: Dissolved greenhouse gas concentrations as proxies for emissions: First results from a survey of 43 Alpine lakes by Sylvie Pighini et al., Session BG1.7, room G5 on Monday, 13 Apr 2015, 14:00

EGU2015-13414: Carbon Dioxide Exchange in Complex Topography by Matthias Reif et al., Session AS1.7, room B12 on Monday, 13 Apr 2015, 14:45

EGU2015-2407: More than just CO2: Multiple trace gas exchange measurements at a temperate mountain grassland by Georg Wohlfahrt et al., Session BG1.7, room G5 on Monday, 13 Apr 2015, 15:30

EGU2015-5414: Validation of high-resolution WRF-ARW model runs against airborne measurements over complex terrain in central Italy by Federico Carotenuto et al., Poster in Session AS1.7, Monday, 13 Apr 2015, 17:30-19:00


EGU2015-10194: Vegetation indices derived from a modified digital camera in combination with different blocking filters by Karl Krainer et al., Poster in Session BG1.6, Tuesday, 14 Apr 2015, 17:30-19:00


EGU2015-5947: The influence of management on GHG fluxes over Central European grasslands by Lukas Hoertnagl et al., Session BG2.6, room G4 on Wednesday, 15 Apr 2015, 09:30


EGU2015-2404: The many meanings of gross photosynthesis and their implication for photosynthesis research from leaf to globe by Lianghong Gu and Georg Wohlfahrt, Session AS2.1, room B16 on Thursday, 16 Apr 2015, 08:30

EGU2015-12625: Ozone-plant surface reactions an important ozone loss term?
by Armin Hansel et al., BG1.10, room G4 on Thursday, 16 Apr 2015, 12:00

EGU2015-3603: Nicotiana tabacum as model for ozone – plant surface reactions by Werner Jud et al., Poster in Session BG1.10, Thursday, 16 Apr 2015, 15:30-17:00

EGU2015-11029: Measurement of advection of CO2 over grasslands in complex terrain in the Alps by Peng Zhao et al., Poster in Session AS2.1, Thursday, 16 Apr 2015, 17:30-19:00


EGU2015-7193: On the additional information content of hyperspectral remote sensing data for estimating ecosystem carbon dioxide and energy exchange by Georg Wohlfahrt et al., Session BG2.9/CL5.1, room G5 on Friday, 17 Apr 2015, 16:45

Field activities

DSC_0017New test of airborne microbial sampling with Federico at the Kolsass flux tower of Mathias Rotach (IMGI). This time we are sampling at two heights – fingers crossed that we see a gradient.

New paper

Xia J., Niu S., Luo Y., Ciais P., Janssens I., Chen J., Ammann C., Arain a., Blanken P.D., Cescatti A., Bonal D., Buchmann N., Curtis P.S., Chen S., Dong J., Flanagan L.B., Frankenberg C., Georgiadis T., Gough C.M., Hui D., Kiely G., Li J., Lund M., Magliulo V., Marcolla B., Merbold L., Montagnani L., Moors E., Olesen J.E., Piao S., Raschi A., Roupsard O., Suyker A.E., Urbaniak M., Vaccari F., Varlagin A., Vesala T., Wilkinson M., Weng E., Wohlfahrt G., Yan L. (2015) Joint Control of Terrestrial Gross Primary Productivity by Plant Phenology and Physiology. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1413090112.

Field activities

Despite the snow, Biomet group members are active in the field:

DSC04773 IMG_0501Kathi visited the Lunzer See eddy site for some maintenance.




Federico tested the impact of different integrated sampling times on bacterial DNA yields.

Next generation researchers

… active at our field site Neustift 😉

IMG_8309Everybody else being busy, Albin recently had to rely on his son’s help to do the necessary maintenance of the flux tower.

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