Author Archive

New visitor

IMAG0622Today we hosted John Gamon (University of Alberta) as a guest in our group. John, traveling from the EuroSpec final conference in Trento to Zürich, discussed opportunities and challenges of merging proximal sensing and flux measurements in our group and enjoyed a visit to our field site Neustift.

New paper published

A new paper with contributions from the Biomet group was published today in the Discussion forum of the open-access journal Geoscientific Model Development:
Yuan W., Liu S., Cai W., Dong W., Chen J., Arain A., Blanken P., Cescatti A., Wohlfahrt G., Georgiadis T., Genesio L., Gianelle D., Grelle A., Kiely G., Knohl A., Liu D., Marek M., Merbold L., Montagnani L., Panferov O., Peltoniemi M., Rambal S., Raschi A., Varlagin A., Xia J. (2013) Are vegetation-specific model parameters required for estimating gross primary production? Geoscientific Model Development Discussions 6, 5475-5488. link.

New paper published

Our new paper on the synthesis of four years of Acetaldehyde fluxes at Neustift was published today in the Discussion forum of Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics:
L. Hörtnagl, I. Bamberger, M. Graus, T. M. Ruuskanen, R. Schnitzhofer, M. Walser, A. Unterberger, A. Hansel, G. Wohlfahrt (2013) Acetaldehyde exchange above a managed temperate mountain grassland. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 13, 26117-26174 (link)

Baby news

Marta (Galvagno), our dear collaborator on grassland eddy covariance flux measurements in complex terrain, just let us know that she gave birth to a girl on 2 October – congratulations!

New project funded

Today we have received notice that our grant proposal on “On the role of advection for the net carbon dioxide exchange of short-statured ecosystems in complex terrain” to the FWF will be funded – yippee!