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Soil tubes

Today we inserted tubes (Accurel) into the soil at our study site Neustift. The aim of these measurements, which will start later this summer, is to quantify soil surface VOC fluxes. To this end we aim at quantifying vertical VOC profiles in the soil and use Radon profile and surface flux measurements to calculate soil diffusivity.

New study site

IMG_2664On 17th June 2013 Albin and Georg set up a new eddy covariance flux tower at the Alpine Research Station Furka (ALPFOR). The main objective of the CO2 and energy flux measurements at Furka is to complement our existing range of mountain flux sites, which comprise low to medium elevation grassland sites in the Alps, with a truly alpine site (see here for a webcam image). Thanks to Erika Hiltbrunner for preventing carbon starvation during our 16 hour push to Furka and back to Innsbruck.

Teaching stomatal conductance

Within the TeefürPUK project we have today hosted a class from the Reithmanngymnasium in order to introduce the pupils into leaf gas exchange. Georg discussed with the pupils the basics of leaf CO2 and water vapour exchange and in particular strategies of plants involved in the regulation of stomatal conductance. Then pupils could get a hands-on experience with the Decagon porometers measuring stomatal conductance on a reference group of plants, drought-stressed plants and plants kept in the dark (simulating nighttime). Finally, results obtained by the pupils were discussed and related to the importance of stomatal conductance in regulating the water cycle and near-surface climate and the implications of changing environmental conditions.

PTR-MS Conference 2013 Roundup

We presented two posters at the 6th PTR-MS Conference in Obergurgl, Austria, namely:

  • Bamberger I., Hörtnagl L., Hansel A., Wohlfahrt G. (2013) Gap-filling of VOC flux data for deriving annual budgets: A mountain meadow case study. PDF
  • Hörtnagl L., Bamberger I., Walser M., Unterberger A., Hansel A., Wohlfahrt G. (2013) Interannual variability of biogenic oxygenated volatile organic compound fluxes over a managed mountain grassland. PDF | icon_star1 won award: 2nd Prize Best Poster
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