Category: Group News

50 Posts

PhD scholarship

Today we received notice that Katharina (Gerdel) will be supported during the next 12 months by a scholarship of the University of Innsbruck for her PhD project – congratulations!

Tyrolean Science Fund grant handed over to Florian

On Friday, within the frame of a larger ceremony, the grants of the latest call by the Tyrolean Science Fund have been handed over to the recipients, including Florian, who luckily even made it onto a picture (the tall guy in the second row; image by Land Tirol/Sax) distributed to the media. Tilg_Wissenschaftsfond_220116_Klein-737x470

Biomet hike

This week we used the excellent weather conditions for a group hike.

IMG_0711After we had figured out where actually to go,

IMG_0714… and some involved grass scrambling

IMG_0724… we finally reached our “summit”, where we took a well-deserved break

IMG_0726… and marveled the gorgeous view.

IMG_0728“What goes up must come down” and so we eventually returned back and cooled down with a beer or two,

IMG_0731… replenished the burnt calories,

IMG_0732… after which we needed some help for digestion,

IMG_0734… before we closed the hike with a game of viking chess.


Baby news

Former Biomet member Lukas let us know that he’s become dad of his son Jonas. Congratulations to him and of course Manu as well!

Field activities

Despite the snow, Biomet group members are active in the field:

DSC04773 IMG_0501Kathi visited the Lunzer See eddy site for some maintenance.




Federico tested the impact of different integrated sampling times on bacterial DNA yields.