Category: Measurements

32 Posts

Preparations for drought experiment

Anna and Felix are presently at the Helmholtz Zentrum Neuherberg/Munich preparing our Aerodyne quantum cascade laser for measuring drought effects in Scots Pine seedlings on their COS exchange. These activities are part of a larger experiment in collaboration with Jogi Schnitzler and his team and Thomas Karl with collaborators within the frame of the FWF doc_funds project The future of mountain forests: response to a drier climate.

The picture below shows our laser being lifted into the experimental facility … fortunately no mishaps 😉

Drone flight

This week Magnus Bremer (Institute of Geography, University of Innsbruck) used the great weather conditions to do a drone flight (video) with a laser scanner for the 3D reconstruction of canopy structure and a thermal imager. Here the aim is to fuse these data in order to improve remote sensing based modeling of evapotranspiration (picture and movie © Magnus Bremer).

Chlorophyll fluorescence @FAIR tower

Had a fantastic day out at the FAIR tower site mounting active and passive chlorophyll fluorescence measurement devices together with Michaela, Albin and Klemens, who filmed our activities for the upcoming MSc study Ecology & Biodiversity movie.
Here a few snapshots (© all pictures Klemens Weisleitner).




Mesocosm fluorescence experiment started

After intensive preparations this week, today we started, within the frame of a joint FWF-DFG project with Mirco Migliavacca, a mesocosm experiment in which we aim to study the interactive effects of drought and canopy structure on the top-of-canopy sun-induced fluorescence. To this end, Javier Pacheco-Labrador joined with a FLOX-TOGO instrument for SIF measurements across the replicated plots on a planophile (clover) and erectophile (grass) canopy. These episodic measurements will be accompanied by a suite of additional measurements including active chlorophyll fluorescence, environmental conditions, leaf area, leaf angle distribution, leaf ingredients, etc. FormerMSCA fellow in our group, Karolina Sakowska, also joined for the day to help out, exchange data and discuss ongoing works!





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