Category: Measurements

32 Posts

Field campaign

In the context of RadarSat overpasses Katharina and Georg went to the pasture EC site in Vinschgau to do some EcoBot measurements for the HighResAlp project. The EcoBot was recently upgraded with a GPS and Decagon NDVI and PRI sensors (see picture). We collected at total of 240 measurements within the footprint of the eddy covariance tower.

Foto 1

At the same time the Applied Remote Sensing group from EURAC flew a hyperspectral camera with their new toy, the drone (see picture). The collected data will be used to explore the effects of within-footprint heterogeneity on fluxes measured by eddy covariance.
Foto 2

Soil tubes

Today we inserted tubes (Accurel) into the soil at our study site Neustift. The aim of these measurements, which will start later this summer, is to quantify soil surface VOC fluxes. To this end we aim at quantifying vertical VOC profiles in the soil and use Radon profile and surface flux measurements to calculate soil diffusivity.

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