Category: Measurements

32 Posts

New study site

IMG_2664On 17th June 2013 Albin and Georg set up a new eddy covariance flux tower at the Alpine Research Station Furka (ALPFOR). The main objective of the CO2 and energy flux measurements at Furka is to complement our existing range of mountain flux sites, which comprise low to medium elevation grassland sites in the Alps, with a truly alpine site (see here for a webcam image). Thanks to Erika Hiltbrunner for preventing carbon starvation during our 16 hour push to Furka and back to Innsbruck.

New Flux Towers

Flux towers #4 and 5 operational! On 25 May 2012, Albin and Georg set up two urban flux towers in Bolzano/Bozen. These will measure latent and sensible heat fluxes within the frame of the Cooling town project. in particular we are interested in quantifying the degree to which plant-covered surfaces in urban areas are able to affect the partitioning between sensible and latent heat fluxes. Now all our turbulence equipment is somewhere out in the field – thanks to Mathias Rotach for lending us two krypton hygrometers!

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