Category: Outreach

15 Posts

Press feedback on Nature Ecology & Evolution paper

Thanks to the excellent work of science communication specialist Mag. Gabriele Rampl from SciNews, our paper on “The urban imprint on plant phenology” in Nature Ecology & Evolution received a wide echo in the national (e.g. APA, ORFonScience, Der Standard, TT) and international (e.g. El Pais, Rodexo, Spain’s News, Südtirol News, Academia) press. Follow this link for the article in the Newsroom by the University of Innsbruck. 

2nd international COS workshop starting Monday

It is roughly three years after the seminal 1st international COS workshop held in Hyytiälä in September 2016 and we’re thrilled of hosting the 2nd edition of this great workshop in Obergurgl next week and look forward to loads of exciting presentations and productive discussions! The latest version of the program can be found here.

Biomet outreach


Yesterday, Georg provided a workshop to two classes of the Technische Fachoberschule Bruneck covering the greenhouse gas effect, climate change in particular the carbon cycle. With regard to the latter the pupils were able to get hands-on experiences by conducting CO2-emission measurements from various ecosystems (including, as pictured, a little pond) using a closed-chamber system.


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