Category: Outreach

15 Posts

Teaching stomatal conductance

Within the TeefürPUK project we have today hosted a class from the Reithmanngymnasium in order to introduce the pupils into leaf gas exchange. Georg discussed with the pupils the basics of leaf CO2 and water vapour exchange and in particular strategies of plants involved in the regulation of stomatal conductance. Then pupils could get a hands-on experience with the Decagon porometers measuring stomatal conductance on a reference group of plants, drought-stressed plants and plants kept in the dark (simulating nighttime). Finally, results obtained by the pupils were discussed and related to the importance of stomatal conductance in regulating the water cycle and near-surface climate and the implications of changing environmental conditions.

Publication In The Press

A new publication with the title

“Contrasting response of European forest and grassland energy exchange to heatwaves”

has been published in nature geoscience. There is also an official press release of the University of Innsbruck.

The press has also reported on this study, including and the Austrian Press Agency. A list of links to the press can be found in Research > Outreach.

On another note: our webcam is online now! Click on the picture in the sidebar on the right to get a larger version.

Graduation, Press & Publications

First things first: Christoph has finished his master thesis! Congratulations! For more info on Christoph check ‘People’.

Multiple newspapers have reported on our VOC-project! We have collected some of the links, click here to see them.

And: there are some new publications. Check ‘Publications’ to see what they are about.


An article about Georgs work has been published in the prestigious newspaper “Der Standard” (link coming).

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