Category: Papers

165 Posts

Paper accepted

We have received notice that the following manuscript was accepted by Agricultural and Forest Meteorology:

Zhao P., Hammerle A., Zeeman M., Wohlfahrt G. (2018) On the calculation of daytime CO2 fluxes measured by automated closed transparent chambers. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 263, 267-275, doi: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2018.08.022. [OPEN ACCESS]

New paper

Whelan M.E., Lennartz S.T., Gimeno T.E., Wehr R., Wohlfahrt G., Wang Y., Kooijmans L.M.J., Hilton T.W., Belviso S., Peylin P., Commane R., Sun W., Chen H., Kuai L., Mammarella I., Maseyk K., Berkelhammer M., Li K.-F., Yakir D., Zumkehr A., Katayama Y., Ogée J., Spielmann F.M., Kitz F., Rastogi B., Kesselmeier J., Marshall J., Erkkilä K.-M., Wingate L., Meredith L.K., He W., Bunk R., Launois T., Vesala T., Schmidt J.A., Fichot C.G., Seibt U., Saleska S., Saltzman E.S., Montzka S.A., Berry J.A., Campbell J.E. (2018) Reviews and syntheses: Carbonyl sulfide as a multi-scale tracer for carbon and water cycles. Biogeosciences 15, 3625-3657, doi: 10.5194/bg-15-3625-2018.

New papers

Two long-time manuscripts have been finally accepted this week:

Pighini S., Ventura M., Miglietta F., Wohlfahrt G. (2018) Dissolved greenhouse gas concentrations in 40 lakes in the Alpine area. Aquatic Sciences, doi: 0.1007/s00027-018-0583-2.

Whelan M., … Kitz F., … Spielmann F.M., … Wohlfahrt G., … (2018) Reviews and Syntheses: Carbonyl Sulfide as a Multi-scale Tracer for Carbon and Water Cycles. Biogeosciences, accepted.

New paper

Hörtnagl L., Barthel M., Buchmann N., Eugster W., Butterbach-Bahl K., Diaz-Pines E., Zeeman M., Klumpp K., Kiese R., Bahn M., Hammerle A., Lu H., Ladreiter-Knauss T., Burri S., Merbold L. (2018) Greenhouse gas fluxes over managed grasslands in central Europe. Global Change Biology 24, 1843-1872, doi: 10.1111/gcb.14079.

New paper

Castelli M., Anderson M., Yun Y., Wohlfahrt G., Bertoldi G., Niedrist G., Hammerle A., Zhao P., Zebisch M., Notarnicola C. (2018) Two-source energy balance modeling of evapotranspiration in Alpine grasslands. Remote Sensing of Environment 209, 327-342, doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2018.02.062.

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