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66 Posts

New papers

Two new papers with contributions from the Biomet group have been published online in Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences and in the Interactive Discussion of Biogeosciences, and we also received notice that our recent submission to Geophysical Research Letters was accepted:

Chen J., Chen B., Black T.A., Innes J.L., Wang G., Kiely G., Hirano T., Wohlfahrt G. (2013) Comparison of terrestrial evapotranspiration estimates using the mass-transfer and Penman-Monteith equations in land surface models. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences, doi: 10.1002/2013JG002446.

Bamberger I., Hörtnagl L., Walser M., Hansel A., Wohlfahrt G. (2013) Gap-filling Strategies for Annual VOC Flux Data Sets. Biogeosciences Discussions 10, 17785-17818. OPEN DISCUSSION

Wohlfahrt G., Cremonese E., Hammerle A., Hörtnagl L., Galvagno M., Gianelle D., Marcolla B., Morra di Cella U. (2013) Tradeoffs between global warming and day length on the start of the carbon uptake period in seasonally cold ecosystems. Geophysical Research Letters, doi: 10.1002/2013GL058182.


An article about Georgs work has been published in the prestigious newspaper “Der Standard” (link coming).


Paper accepted for publication!

Let me see…


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