Category: Visits

66 Posts

Preparations for drought experiment

Anna and Felix are presently at the Helmholtz Zentrum Neuherberg/Munich preparing our Aerodyne quantum cascade laser for measuring drought effects in Scots Pine seedlings on their COS exchange. These activities are part of a larger experiment in collaboration with Jogi Schnitzler and his team and Thomas Karl with collaborators within the frame of the FWF doc_funds project The future of mountain forests: response to a drier climate.

The picture below shows our laser being lifted into the experimental facility … fortunately no mishaps 😉

Project kick-off workshop


On Friday, Michaela, Albin and Georg attended the kick-off workshop of the project “Effect of climate extremes on grapevine production in South Tyrol: early detection of abiotic stress and consequences for vine quality” funded by the province of Südtirol/Alto Adige. During the course of the workshop the three project teams from Free University of Bolzano, Laimburg and University of Innsbruck visited the TerraXCube in Bolzano, where a factorial heat-drought experiment will be conducted, the EC tower at the field site near Plantaditsch, discussed the mid-term planning for 2021 and had an excellent joint lunch in the Felsenkeller at Laimburg. 

New collaborative project funded by Research Südtirol/Alto Adige

IMG_1537Today Albin and Georg attended the presentation of the successful projects of the 2019 Research Südtirol/Alto Adige call in Bozen/Bolzano ( Proud and grateful to be amongst the 20 funded projects and looking forward to collaborate with UniBz (Massimo Tagliavini et al.) and Laimburg (Barbara Raifer and Florian Haas) in this project!

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