Category: Visits

66 Posts

2nd international COS workshop

This week the international COS/OCS community is meeting at conference of the University of Innsbruck in Obergurgl in order to discuss recent advances related to research on sources/sinks of carbonyl sulfide. _MG_8348

Karolina on secondment @Univ. of Twente


During the next 4 weeks Karolina will be on secondment with Christiaan Van der Tol at the University of Twente to work with the SCOPE model and in particular to apply it to the many field campaigns from this and last year during which she has collected extensive proximal sensing (hyperspectral reflectance, active/passive chlorophyll fluorescence) and eddy flux (CO2, H2O and COS) data.


Chlorophyll fluorescence measurements

Early in July, Karolina and Herbert set up active chlorophyll fluorescence measurements at the flux tower Leinefelde run by Alexander Knohl (Univ. Göttingen) complementing the ongoing passive chlorophyll fluorescence measurements with a FLOX system operated by MPI Jena (Mirco Migliavacca). 

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IMG_1221Yesterday Kathi and Georg travelled to Mondsee to get the CH4 and CO2 flux measurements operational after repair of some of the equipment and gave a joint lecture in the seminar of the Department of Limnology on “Quantifying the lake-atmosphere CO2 and CH4 exchange using the eddy covariance method”.

Measurement campaign in Mezyk/Poland

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Last week, Karolina, Michaela and Albin, went up to Mezyk/Poland to set up the instrumentation for a joint COS/CO2 flux and chlorophyll fluorescence campaign over a Scots Pine forest. The idea of the campaign is to quantify GPP during the “spring awakening” of photosynthesis of this evergreen species and use active and passiv chlorophyll fluorescence to diagnose functioning of the electron transport chain and evaluate the potential of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence as a proxy for GPP.

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