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New paper

Shang Z., Zhou F., Smith P., Saikawa E., Ciais P., Chang J., Tian H., Del Grosso S. J., Ito A., Chen M., Wang Q., Bo Y., Cui X., Castaldi S., Juszczak R., Kasimir Å., Magliulo V., Medinets S., Medinets V., Rees B., Wohlfahrt G., Sabbatini S. (2019) Weakened growth of cropland-N2O emissions in China associated with nationwide policy interventions. Global Change Biology 25, 3706-3719, doi: 10.1111/gcb.14741.

New paper

Stoy P., El-Madany T., Fisher J., Gentine P., Gerken T., Good S., Liu S., Miralles D., Perez-Priego O., Skaggs T., Wohlfahrt G., Anderson R., Jung M., Maes W., Mammarella I., Mauder M., Migliavacca M., Nelson J., Poyatos R., Reichstein M., Scott R., Wolf S. (2019) Reviews and syntheses: Turning the challenges of partitioning ecosystem evaporation and transpiration into opportunities. Biogeosciences 16, 3747-3775, doi: 10.5194/bg-16-3747-2019. [OPEN ACCESS]

Karolina on secondment @Univ. of Twente


During the next 4 weeks Karolina will be on secondment with Christiaan Van der Tol at the University of Twente to work with the SCOPE model and in particular to apply it to the many field campaigns from this and last year during which she has collected extensive proximal sensing (hyperspectral reflectance, active/passive chlorophyll fluorescence) and eddy flux (CO2, H2O and COS) data.


Peru updates

Unpacking, assembling and looking for a suitable EC location in Peru


Assemblage of our ecobot by Lorenz


Location scouting in the Andes mountains

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