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New paper

Acton W.J.F., Jud W., Ghirardo A., Wohlfahrt G., Hewitt C.N., Taylor J.E., Hansel A. (2019) The effect of ozone fumigation on the biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) emitted from Brassica napus above- and below-ground. PLOS One, in press.

New project

We’ve been informed today that Felix will be awarded a grant by the Tyrolean Science Fund (TWF) to investigate “COS emission by vascular plants under biotic and abiotic stress” – congratulations!

PhD defense

Today Biomet member Alberto Algarra successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled “On the emission of volatile organic compounds by plants with particular reference to the role of (a)biotic stress” – congratulations!

Biomet outreach


Yesterday, Georg provided a workshop to two classes of the Technische Fachoberschule Bruneck covering the greenhouse gas effect, climate change in particular the carbon cycle. With regard to the latter the pupils were able to get hands-on experiences by conducting CO2-emission measurements from various ecosystems (including, as pictured, a little pond) using a closed-chamber system.


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