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New paper

Scholz K., Hammerle A., Hiltbrunner E., Wohlfahrt G. (2017) Analyzing the effects of growing season length on the net ecosystem production of an alpine grassland using model-data fusion. Ecosystems, doi: 10.1007/s10021-017-0201-5. [OPEN ACCESS]

New paper

Federico‘s paper in ACP has been conditionally accepted – congratulations!

Carotenuto F., Georgiadis T., Gioli B., Leyronas C., Morris C.E., Nardino M., Wohlfahrt G., Miglietta F. (2017) Ecosystem–atmosphere exchange of microorganisms in a Mediterranean grassland: new insights into microbial flux through a combined experimental-modeling approach. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, doi: 10.5194/acp-2017-527. [OPEN ACCESS]

New Discussion paper

Whelan M.E, Lennartz S.T., Gimeno T.E., Wehr R., Wohlfahrt G., Wang Y., Kooijmans L.M.J., Hilton T.W., Belviso S., Peylin P., Commane R., Sun W., Chen H., Kuai L., Mammarella I., Maseyk K., Berkelhammer M., Li K.-F., Yakir D., Zumkehr A., Katayama Y., Ogée J., Spielmann F.M., Kitz F., Rastogi B., Kesselmeier J., Marshall J., Erkkilä K.-M., Wingate L., Meredith L.K., He W., Bunk R., Launois T., Vesala T., Schmidt J.A., Fichot C.G., Seibt U., Saleska S., Saltzman E.S., Montzka S.A., Berry J.A., Campbell J.E. (2017) Reviews and Syntheses: Carbonyl Sulfide as a Multi-scale Tracer for Carbon and Water Cycles. Biogeosciences Discussions, doi: 10.5194/bg-2017-427. [OPEN ACCESS]

Paper accepted

Barba J., Cueva A., Bahn M., Barron-Gafford G.A., Bond-Lamberty B., Hanson P.J., Jaimes A., Kulmala L., Pumpanen J., Scott R.L., Wohlfahrt G., Vargas R. (2017) Comparing ecosystem and soil respiration: a synthesis of tower-based and soil measurements. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, in press.

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