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New FWF project funded

We have received the wonderful pre-Xmas news that our project “Longterm carbon and water balance of a coniferous forest” submitted to the Austrian National Science Fund (FWF) will be funded for the coming four years!

The funding will allow us to shift gears with respect to long-term measurements at the FAIR site, which we initiated back in 2021, and at the same time tackle some of the current problems in forest-atmosphere carbon and water exchange.

Fare Well to Flo

After eight years of successful collaboration as a PhD student and post-doc, it is unfortunately time to say goodbye to Florian Kitz (El Presidente) from our research group. We and the “Feinmechanik” team wish Flo a successful future and hopefully we will see each other again at one or two lunch breaks


New paper

Reif M., Rotach M.W., Gohm A., Wohlfahrt G. (2023) Carbon Dioxide Exchange in an Idealized Valley. Environmental Modelling and Software 171, 105887, doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2023.105887.

New grant to Lorenz Hänchen

PhD student Lorenz Hänchen will receive a grant from the Tyrolean Young Scientist 2023 program in order to work on making the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) a more reliable proxy for non-photochemical quenching.

Congratulations to Lorenz for this achievement!

New paper

Xie M., …, Wohlfahrt G., … et al. (2023) Monitoring of carbon-water fluxes at Eurasian meteorological stations using random forest and remote sensing. Scientific Data 10, 587, doi: 10.1038/s41597-023-02473-9. [OPEN ACCESS]

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