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PCE paper of Lianhong Gu and Georg recommended in F1000Prime



The paper by Lianhong Gu and Georg “The many meanings of gross photosynthesis and their implication for photosynthesis research from leaf to globe” (doi: 10.1111/pce.12569) has been recommended by Faculty-of-1000 member Dennis Baldocchi:

“The more we study ecosystem photosynthesis and upscale such information to the globe, the more we seem to discover uncertainties. The global flux community infers ecosystem photosynthesis by subtracting ecosystem respiration from direct measurements of net ecosystem exchange. On paper this sounds good. But it assumes validity of the extrapolation of night respiration measurements to day based on temperature response functions. Physiologists tell us that the Kok effect can reduce plant respiration in light.
This paper does an excellent job surveying this topic and discuss new and independent methods to constrain measurements of ecosystem photosynthesis. Biases and errors are described in detail.”

Thanks Dennis!

Biomet @ Österreichischer Klimatag

Kathi is attending the 17th Österreichischer Klimatag 6-8 April in Graz presenting our research on carbon cycling at the high-elevation grasslands of Furkapass and its sensitivity to changes in climate (Friday 13:30-13:50).

Visit to Weizmann Institute

This week Georg visited the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot (Israel) to give a presentation in the Earth and Planetary Sciences department seminar on “Gross primary productivity – the blind men and the Elephant”.

The pictures below show the hosts, Dan Yakir and Eyal Rotenberg, together with Georg during dinner and two impressions of a field visit to Yatir forest and surroundings – what a contrast to our Alpine flux sites …

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Farewell to Ray

With great sadness we received notice that Ray Leuning, Australian micrometeorology and biophysical ecology pioneer and good friend, has passed last week.

IMAG0319The picture shows Ray and Georg in May 2012 during the break of mountain bike trip near Innsbruck.

You’ll be thoroughly missed Ray!



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