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Lunz news

This week Kathi and Albin installed our dual QCL from Aerodyne at Lunz with the aim to be able to quantify CH4 fluxes from the lake, in particular during ice out next spring. Quite creepy weather …IMG_6573

New paper published

Wohlfahrt G., Gu L. (2015) The many meanings of gross photosynthesis and their implication for photosynthesis research from leaf to globe. Plant, Cell and Environment 38, 2500-2507, doi: 10.1111/pce.12569[OPEN ACCESS]

New paper published

Berninger F., Susiluoto S., Gianelle D., Bahn M., Wohlfahrt G., Sutton M., Garcia-Pausas J., Gimeno C., Sanz M. J., Dore S., Rogiers N., Furger M., Eugester W., Balzarolo M., Sebastià M. T., Tenhunen J., Staszewski T., Cernusca A. (2015) Management and site effects on carbon balances of European mountain meadows and rangelands. Boreal Environmental Research 20, 748-760, pdf. [OPEN ACCESS]

New paper published

Papale D., Black T.A., Carvalhais N., Cescatti A., Chen J., Jung M., Kiely G., Lasslop G., Mahecha M.D., Margolis H., Merbold L., Montagnani L., Moors E., Olesen J.E., Reichstein M., Tramontana G., van Gorsel E., Wohlfahrt G., Ráduly B. (2015) Effect of spatial sampling from European flux-towers for estimating carbon and water fluxes with artificial neural networks. Journal of Geophysical Research Biogeosciences 120, 1941-1957, doi: 10.1002/2015JG002997.

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