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New papers

Gentsch L., Hammerle A., Sturm P., Ogée J., Wingate L., Siegwolf R., Plüss P., Baur T., Buchmann N., Knohl A. (2014) Carbon isotope discrimination during branch photosynthesis of Fagus sylvatica: a Bayesian modelling approach. Plant, Cell & Environment 37, 1516–1535.  download | journal

Hörtnagl L., Wohlfahrt G. (2014) Methane and nitrous oxide exchange over a managed hay meadow. Biogeosciences Discussions 11, 8181-8225.  download | journal [OPEN ACCESS]

Hörtnagl L., Bamberger I., Graus M., Ruuskanen T. M., Schnitzhofer R., Walser M., Unterberger A., Hansel A., Wohlfahrt G. (2014) Acetaldehyde exchange above a managed temperate mountain grassland. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 14, 5369-5391.  download | journal [OPEN ACCESS]

Mallick K., Jarvis A., Wohlfahrt G., Kiely G., Hirano T., Miyata A., Yamamoto S., Hoffmann L. (2014) Components of near-surface energy balance derived from satellite soundings – Part 2: Latent heat flux. Biogeosciences Discussions 11, 8085-8113.  download | journal [OPEN ACCESS]

Presentation at AMS meeting

AMS_advection_v03Georg gave an invited presentation at the AMS meeting in Portland/Oregon in the Session honoring Ray Leuning with the title “On the role of advection for the net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange of a subalpine grassland”.

View recorded presentation (external link).

FWF project funded

Today we received notice that Albin’s project proposal to the FWF, entitled “Land-atmosphere carbon monoxide exchange”, will be funded – CONGRATULATIONS!

New paper

Bamberger I., Hörtnagl L., Walser M., Hansel A., Wohlfahrt G. (2014) Gap-filling Strategies for Annual VOC Flux Data Sets. Biogeosciences 11, 2429-2442. download | journal

Sabrina graduated

Today our Master student Sabrina Obwegeser successfully defended here Master thesis entitled “Consequences of drought stress on autochthonous tree species in Austria” – congratulations!

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