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Baby news

Marta (Galvagno), our dear collaborator on grassland eddy covariance flux measurements in complex terrain, just let us know that she gave birth to a girl on 2 October – congratulations!

New project funded

Today we have received notice that our grant proposal on “On the role of advection for the net carbon dioxide exchange of short-statured ecosystems in complex terrain” to the FWF will be funded – yippee!

Award goes to Biomet group

We have received notice that Georg has been awarded the “Forschungspreis der Stiftung Südtiroler Sparkasse” – congratulations! The award ceremony will take place on 19 November 10:00 at the Archeological Museum.

New visitor

Manuela Balzarolo (University of Antwerp) is visiting us this week to work on linking hyperspectral reflectance data with eddy covariance flux data from mountain grasslands in Austria and Italy.

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