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AGU award to Georg

ExcellenceinReviewing_AGU1Georg received the American Geophysical Union 2012 Editor’s Citation for Excellence in Refereeing for his outstanding (!) service as reviewer for the Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences.

Soil tubes

Today we inserted tubes (Accurel) into the soil at our study site Neustift. The aim of these measurements, which will start later this summer, is to quantify soil surface VOC fluxes. To this end we aim at quantifying vertical VOC profiles in the soil and use Radon profile and surface flux measurements to calculate soil diffusivity.

New study site

IMG_2664On 17th June 2013 Albin and Georg set up a new eddy covariance flux tower at the Alpine Research Station Furka (ALPFOR). The main objective of the CO2 and energy flux measurements at Furka is to complement our existing range of mountain flux sites, which comprise low to medium elevation grassland sites in the Alps, with a truly alpine site (see here for a webcam image). Thanks to Erika Hiltbrunner for preventing carbon starvation during our 16 hour push to Furka and back to Innsbruck.

Presentation by Albin

Today Albin was invited at the Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics of the University of Innsbruck to present our recent modelling work on grassland carbon and water cycling in their weekly seminar series. The presentation, which covered much of the work we have been doing over the past two years within the frame of the GrassClim project, can be found here.

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