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Further work at FAIR site

IMG_3249 IMG_3281

Today Kathi (proudly presenting the safety equipment) and Philipp (up on the tower) mounted the sonic anemometer -IRGA (CPEC) combination on the main tower, while Felix and Albin installed the COS QCL in the instrument hut. 

Preparations for grapevine experiments

greenhouse budburst 05 06.04.21

Preparations for the factorial heat x drought experiment in the climate chambers of the TerraXCube in Bozen/Bolzano within the frame of a project funded by the province of South Tyrol are on the way.

Project partners from Laimburg have already prepared experimental plants and the first batch of these is already going into budburst as the picure by Amy Kadison shows. Looking forward to the experiment in July/August!

Work at FAIR site picks up pace


Yesterday Albin and Felix set up the gas cageIMG_3112 adjacent to the instrument hut at the forest-atmosphere-interactions-research (FAIR) site in Mieming, which will provide a safe shelter for the gas cylinders required for the various trace gas analyzers that will be installed during the upcoming weeks. 

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