Klea and Chloe will spend the next months with us doing internships on soil respiration and sap flux at the FAIR site. In the picture below they enjoy the snow brought by the recent coldspell at the FAIR site.

Klea and Chloe will spend the next months with us doing internships on soil respiration and sap flux at the FAIR site. In the picture below they enjoy the snow brought by the recent coldspell at the FAIR site.
Zhang Q., Yi C., Wohlfahrt G., Chen D., Rietkerk M., Tian Z., Wu M., Kutter E., Han J., Hendrey G., Xu S. (2024) Climate indices as predictors of global soil organic carbon stocks. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, doi: 10.1080/04353676.2024.2335000.
Shtai W., Asensio D., Kadison A. E., Schwarz M., Raifer B., Andreotti C., Hammerle A., Zanotelli D., Haas F., Niedrist G., Wohlfahrt G., Tagliavini M. (2024) Soil water availability modulates the response of grapevine leaf gas exchange and PSII traits to a simulated heat wave. Plant and Soil, doi: 10.1007/s11104-024-06536-7. [OPEN ACCESS]
Kitz F., Wachter H., Spielmann F., Hammerle A., Wohlfahrt G. (2023) Root and rhizosphere contribution to the soil COS exchange. Plant and Soil, doi: 10.1007/s11104-023-06438-0. [OPEN ACCESS]
Alon Angert (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) was visiting us this week in order to discuss some COS science, especially with regard to stable isotopes of COS. Of course we also made Alon visit the FAIR field site despite (or because of) the wintery conditions.
We have received the fantastic news today that a joint project with the University of Bolzano (Massimo Tagliavini, Leonardo Montagnani, Damiano Zanotelli) and Eurac Research (Claudia Notarnicola, Mariapina Castelli, Alice Crespi and Georg Niedrist) entitled “A monitoring system for carbon fluxes in South Tyrolean ecosystems” will be funded within the Research Südtirol/Alto Adige 2022 call.