Längenfeld, Austria
This page contains information about our study site in Längenfeld, Oetz Valley, Tyrol, Austria.
Elevation: 1180 m a.s.l.
Latitude: 47° 3′ 49.788″ N
Longitude: 10° 57′ 52.27″ E
Average annual temperature*: 5.8 °C
Average annual precipitation*: 733 mm
Vegetation type:Phyteumo-Trisetion
Soil type: Gleyic Fluvisol
Management: 3 cuts/year
Landowner: Gufler Max, Burgstein 66, A-6444 Laengenfeld
Measured variables
- CO2-fluxes (since July 2005; periodically)
- Water-vapour-fluxes (since July 2005; periodically)
- Energy-fluxes (since July 2005; periodically)
- Micrometorology (since May 2005)
* … Information by courtesy of the Hydrographischer Dienst Tirol.