

This page provides information about ongoing (completed) research projects which are (have been) lead by the Biometeorology group or where we (have) participate(d) as partners.

Current Projects

  • Empowering plant carbonyl sulfide uptake as a proxy for gross primary productivity
    funded by FWF | 2022-2026 | principal investigator
  • The future of mountain forests: response to a drier future
    funded by FWF doc.funds project | 2023-2027 | Main supervisor of 1 out of 8 PhD projects
  • Longterm carbon and water balance of a coniferous forest
    funded by FWF | 2024-2027 | principal investigator
  • CarboST: A monitoring system for carbon fluxes in South Tyrolean ecosystems
    funded by Autonome Provinz Bozen – Südtirol | 2024-2027 | principal investigator
  • BeatTheBeetle: Early detection of the spruce bark beetle in Austria using remote sensing
    funded by FFG | 2025-2027 | principal investigator
  • EARLY – Early drought stress detection in Alpine Grassland Ecosystems
    funded by Forschungszentrum Berglandwirtschaft | 2024 | principal investigator (Lorenz Hänchen)
  • Establishing the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) as a reliable proxy for non-photochemical quenching (NPQ)
    funded by Tyrolean Science Fund | 2024 | principal investigator (Lorenz Hänchen)

Completed Projects

  • FORTE: Offene, skalierbare Daten für evidenzbasierte Entscheidungen im Wald der Zukunft
    funded by Bundesministerium Landwirtschaft, Regionen und Tourismus | 2022-2023 | project partner
  • Early stress detection in Austrian ecosystems with sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence
    funded by FFG | 2021-2023 | principal investigator
  • CLEVAS: Effect of climate extremes on grapevine production in South Tyrol: early detection of abiotic stress and consequences for wine quality funded by Autonome Provinz Bozen – Südtirol | 2020-2023 | principal investigator
  • AgroClim Huaraz: Spatio-temporal variability in water availability and demand in the Peruvian Andes funded by Austrian Academy of Sciences | 2019-2023 | project partner
  • Soil carbonyl sulfide consumption, production and exchange with the atmosphere
    funded by FWF | 2019-2023 | principal investigator
  • COS emission by vascular plants under biotic and abiotic stress
    TWF | 2019-2021 | principal investigator (Felix Spielmann)
  • Constraining terrestrial gross primary productivity by joint measurements of the carbonyl sulfide exchange and sun-induced fluorescence
    funded by FWF | 2019-2021 | principal investigator
  • ALCH4: Methane emissions from lakes in the Alpine region
    funded by Autonome Provinz Bozen – Südtirol | 2017-2020 | principal investigator
  • CYCLAMEN: Cycling of carbon and water in mountain ecosystems under changing climate and land use
    funded by Autonome Provinz Bozen – Südtirol | 2017-2020 | project partner
  • Carbonyl sulfide and sun-induced fluorescence as joint constraints on terrestrial carbon cycling
    EU-Marie Curie Actions Individual Fellowship| 2018-2019 | principal investigator
  • Constraining gross primary productivity by concurrent ecosystem-scale measurements of sun-induced fluorescence and the uptake of carbonyl sulfide
    funded by University of Innsbruck | 2017-2018 | principal investigator (Albin Hammerle)
  • EXCARB: Influence of climate extremes on carbon dynamics across the boundaries of aquatic ecosystems
    funded by Austrian Academy of Sciences | 2015-2017 | project partner
  • Carbonyl sulfide exchange between terrestrial ecosystems ecosystems and the atmosphere
    funded by FWF | 2015-2018 | principal investigator
  • Land-atmosphere carbon monoxide exchange
    funded by FWF | 2014-2018 | principal investigator (Albin Hammerle)
  • On the role of advection for the net carbon dioxide exchange of short-statured ecosystems in complex terrain
    funded by FWF | 2014-2017 | principal investigator
  • Carbonyl sulfide exchange between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere: the role of soils
    TWF | 2015-2016 | principal investigator (Florian Kitz)
  • HiResAlp: An innovative framework for the integration of multisource data to determine soil moisture and evapotranspiration at high resolution in Alpine regions
    funded by Autonome Provinz Bozen – Südtirol | 2013-2015 | project partner
  • Fluxes of biogenic oxygenated volatile organic compounds between mountain grassland ecosystems and the atmosphere
    funded by FWF | 2011-2014 | principal investigator
  • Development of a method/measurement system for imaging acquisition of reflectance data in the near-infraed wave band
    funded by FFG | 2013-2014 | principal investigator | collaboration with GRID-IT
  • HydroAlp: Modelling the interaction between the water cycle, vegetation and climate in Alpine environments
    funded by Autonome Provinz Bozen – Südtirol | 2011-2014 | project partner | project page (external link)
  • Fluxes of biogenic oxygenated volatile organic compounds between mountain grassland ecosystems and the atmosphere
    funded by TWF | 2011-2013 | principal investigator
  • GHG-Europe
    project page (external link) | EU FP 7 | 2010-2013 | project partner
  • Tee für Puk: Talente erreichen & entwickeln am Forschungsbeispiel Pflanzen und Klima
    project page (external link) | funded by FFG | 2012-2013 | project partner
  • GrassClim: Interactive effects of changes in climate and management on the yield and carbon dioxide source/sink strength of grasslands
    Sparkling Science project funded by BM.W_F | 2010-2012 | principal investigator
  • StartClim 2011: Auswirkungen von Bodentrockenheit auf die Transpiration österreichischer Baumarten
    project page (external link) | final report (external link) | funded by LebensministeriumBM.W_F and Österreichische Bundesforste | 2011-2012 | principal investigator
  • Development of a cavity ring-down sensor for real-time measurement of atmospheric mercury concentrations and fluxes
    project page (external link) | funded by NSF | 2009-2012 | project partner
  • Measuring and modelling fluxes of volatile organic compounds (VOC) between mountain grassland ecosystems and the atmosphere
    project page (external link) | funded by FWF | 2007-2010 | principal investigator
  • Measuring and modelling fluxes of volatile organic compounds (VOC) between mountain grassland ecosystems and the atmosphere
    funded by TWF | 2008-2010 | principal investigator
  • Plant growth in a CO2-rich future
    Sparkling Science project funded by BM.W_F | 2008-2009 | project partner
  • A comparative analysis of the net ecosystem CO2, H2O and energy exchange of mountain meadows
    project page (external link) | funded by FWF | 2005-2007 | principal investigator
  • A comparative analysis of the net ecosystem CO2, H2O and energy exchange of mountain meadows
    TWF | 2005-2007 | principal investigator
  • Effects of land-use changes on sources, sinks and fluxes of carbon in European mountain areas
    project page (external link) | EU FP5 | 2001-2004 | project partner
  • Development of a soil-vegetation-atmosphere-transfer (SVAT) model for simulation of mass and energy exchange in mountain grassland ecosystems
    project page (external link) | funded by FWF | 2000-2003 | project partner


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